Board of Directors


Title Name Curriculum Vitae Other positions in EMC and other companies
Chairman Dong, Ding Yu Ph.D. in Engineering, Stanford University
Assistant Professor, San Jose State University
Vice Chairman Yu Chang Investment Co., Ltd.
Tsai, Fei Liang
Master of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
President, Taiwan Union Technology Corporation
Director Yu Chang Investment Co., Ltd.
Lee, Wen Shiung
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Tamkung University
Director, Unimicron Corporation
President, Isola Asia Pacific (Taiwan) Inc.
Consultant, Taiwan Printed Circuit Association
Director Hsieh, Mon Chong

Master in International Affairs, Columbia University, USAChairman, Food Industry Research and Development InstituteDirector, The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Inc.

Director, Chinese National Federation of Industries
Chairman, Synmax Biochemical Co., Ltd.
Vice Chairman, Royal Chef Co., Ltd.


Title Name Curriculum Vitae Other positions in EMC and other companies
Independent Director Shen, Bing MBA, Harvard University
Financial Analyst, World Bank
Chief Investment Officer, International Bank Corp.
Executive Director, Morgan Stanley & Co.
Vice President, China Development Industrial Bank
President, CDIB Partners Investment Holding Corporation
Director, OUC Corporation
Director, ECOVE
 Independent Director Cheng, Duen-Chian

MBA, Columbia University,
USA President,
Director, Appier Holdings Inc.
Independent Director, TA YA ELECTRIC WIRE & CABLE CO., LTD
Chairman, LuxNet Corp
Chairman, Clientron
President, UMC Capital Corporation

Chairman, TGVest Capital Co., Ltd.
Chairman, TriKnight Capital Corporation
Vice Chairman, LuxNet Corp

 Independent Director Chen, Hsi-Chia

Ph.D. in Law, National Taiwan University
Ph.D. in Law, Peking University
Partner, Chief Representative of Beijing Office, Joint Head of Office-China & Member of Asia Pacific Operating Committed (APOC), Pinsent Masons LLP
Trainee , King & Wood Mallesons (previously known as King & Wood)
Associate &Partner, Formosan Brothers, Attorneys-at-Law

Managing Partner, Chen & Chang, Attorneys-at-Law.
Member, Standing Committee of ICC International Centre for ADR Convenor, Taiwan Chapter of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) East Asia Branch.
Independent Director, Asia Renewable Energy (Cayman) Ltd.

The authorities that the Board of Directors may exercise and the business it may conduct as follows:

  1. Resolve to propose amendment of the Articles of Incorporation and to approve important procedures and rules.
  2. To approve the establishment and abolition of business branch(es).
  3. The approval of annual financial budget, the examination of financial statements, and the review, supervision and implementation of the annual business plan.
  4. Resolve to propose earnings distribution, loss make-up, capital increase, or capital reduction.
  5. Resolve to approve the investment on other businesses by the Company, and acquisition of equity shares of others.
  6. To appoint and discharge the certified public accountants of the Company.
  7. To propose the transfer of the right of dien, selling, rental, pledge, mortgage or any other action to the whole or material parts of the Company's property or business.
  8. To approve the financing application from, providing guarantee to, making acceptance payment to, making capital lending to or borrowing from financial institutions and any other third parties with a total amount of NT$ Twenty Million or more.  When the total dollar amount is less than NT$ Twenty Million for the aforesaid business activities, the person-in-charge may execute in advance; however, shall report to the most upcoming meeting of the Board of Directors.  Any monetary payment for a single purpose shall not be divided and made directly to avoid the examination of the Board of Directors.
  9. To approve the capital expenditure, being included in the annual budget, of which the total amount is NT$ Fifty Million or more and the the capital expenditure, not being included in the annual budget, of which the total amount is NT$ Ten Million or more.  For capital expenditure of which the total amount is more than NT$ Five Million and less than NT$ Ten Million, the person-in-charge may make the payment in advance; however, shall report to the most upcoming meeting of the Board of Directors.  Any capital expenditure payment made for a single purpose shall not be divided and made directly to avoid the examination of the Board of Directors.
  10. To approve the endorsement/guarantee provided and make acceptance payment in the name of the Company, of which the total amount is NT$ Ten Million or more.
  11. To approve the signing of contracts of which the validness will sustain for one year or more and of which the total contemplated amount is NT$ Fifty Million or more.
  12. To approve major transactions between the Company and the related parties including affiliated enterprises.
  13. To hire and dismiss the managerial personal with a level of Vice General Manager or higher for the Company.
  14. To approve the acquisition, transfer, and authorization of the proprietary technologies, patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and to approve, amend, and terminate the contracts for technology cooperation.
  15. Other powers and duties being authorized by laws, the Articles of Incorpoation, and resolutions of the Shareholders' Meetings.